健康蔬菜茶 Healthy Vegetable Tea

A conversation with David Servan-Schreiber ( video worth to watch )


Gobo Tea -- Top-down: white Daikon Radish, Carrot, Shitake Mushroom, Gobo Root, Leaf of white Daikon Radish



Healthy Vegetable Tea



  1. 牛篣 ¼ 磅
  2. 白籮蔔半磅
  3. 紅籮蔔半磅
  4. 白籮蔔葉 ¼ 扎
  5. 乾冬菇 1 隻
  1. 1/4 lb gobo/
  2. 1/2 lb white Daikon Radish
  3. 1/2 lb carrot
  4. 1/4 bundle leaf of white Daikon Radish
  5. 1 Shiitake Mushroom
  1. 用不銹鋼煲或耐熱玻璃鍋
  2. 白籮蔔 , 紅籮蔔 , 牛篣洗淨 , 連皮切塊狀
  3. 白籮蔔葉洗淨待用
  4. 冬菇浸水約1小時至軟 , 洗淨
  5. 全部材料放入煲內 , 加入 3 倍蔬菜量的水 , 大火煑滾後 , ( 中途不要開蓋 ) 再轉以小火煑 1 小時 , 即可飲用
  6. 蔬菜茶於早午晚餐前半小時空腹飲用 , 可達健身減肥 , 降糖尿 , 降血壓及降胆固醇之用 , 若長期飲用 , 並有防癌之效.
  7. 第一次飲用後 , 剩餘蔬菜茶可用玻璃器皿盛載 , 放置雪櫃內存放
  8. 要達到保健減肥效果 , 所有材料最好全部食用之
  9. 把剩餘的冬菇切片 , 加入白籮蔔 , 紅蘿蔔 , 牛篣 , 再加入以下調味料 , ( 1 ) 日本味噌 2 湯匙 , ( 2 ) 糖 2 湯匙 ,  ( 3 ) 胡椒粉 ¼ 茶匙 , ( 4 ) 麻油半茶匙 , 調味後即成可口素菜享用
  10. ( 注:   用作調味料的日本味噌 , 可改用蒜茸豆豉醬等醬料替代 , 以轉換口味 )
  11.   剩餘的籮蔔葉可依口味加入鹽糖等調味 , 當作日常綠葉菜食用或放入味噌湯 , 粉絲湯 , 麵線湯中食用                                   
  1. Use stainless-steel pot or heat proof glass pot.
  2. Cut into pieces - White Daikon Radish, carrots, and gobo root; Keep skin.
  3. Clean White radish leaves.
  4. Soak Mushroom about 1 hour till soft; then clean.
  5. Add all items from 2 - 4 into pot; add water (3 times volume of vegetables). Bring to boil covered; then simmer lo-heat for 1 hour. Its ready. ENJOY.
  6. 1 cup 30 minutes before each meal. Its claimed to reduce body weight; lower diabetes, lower blood pressure or colesterol; long term users may help reduce cancer.
  7. After separating liquid from vegetables, put vegetables in container and refrigerator for later use.
  8. To get the full benefit of the vegetable soup, consume all the vegetables - may result in losing weight.
  9. Season all the cooked vegetables with: a. 2 Tbsp miso paste; b. 2 Tbsp sugar; c. 1/4 white pepper powder; d. 1/2 tsp sesame oil; ENJOY (Note: Can substitute miso paste with garlic black-bean.)
  10. All left-over green leaves can be seasoned with sugar/salt and taken with miso soup, mong-bean noodle soup or other noodle soup.

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A conversation with David Servan-Schreiber ( video worth to watch )

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